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Optimal Athlete Performance Nutrition: The Basics
Nutrition is important for athletes for 3 reasons: optimal performance, quicker recovery during/after training and games AND prevention from disease and viruses during the season.
Water is important for energy and performance! You consist of 75% water and it cannot be stored in the body. It MUST be replenished throughout the day- especially during training and tournaments.
– Before exercise (1 hour) aim for 2 cups or 1 standard water bottle
– During exercise aim for 1-1.5 cups (depending on intensity)
– After exercise (within 1.5 hours) aim for 3+ cups
Proteins are essential to reach top athletic performance. The body does not make 9 of the amino acids so you must eat complete proteins at every meal! Significant sources of proteins are
– 1 cup Greek yogurt
– 2-3 eggs
– 1 cup beans/lentils/chickpeas
– 6oz animal meat: chicken, steak, fish
Healthy Fats provide long term energy – critical for games and tournaments! Moderate to intense training requires healthy fats for fuel. Make sure to get a healthy fat in each main meal. However, do not consume heavy amounts of fat right before training or a game – it can prevent proper metabolism of carbohydrates and cause cramping .
– Salmon
– ¼ cup Nuts and Seeds or Peanut Butter
– 1 Avocado
– 1 tablespoon Olive/Coconut/Avocado oil
Carbohydrates are responsible for your short term energy stores (glycogen) – very critical for training, recovery and tournaments! Stick to mostly complex carbohydrates. Build up glycogen stores in muscles before training to use during exercise. Replenishing stores will increase muscle tone and performance for the next training session!
– Brown rice
– Quinoa
– Whole grain bread
– Fruit
– Vegetables – these are free of carbs – have as many as you want!
For more information check out Kelly Carter’s 21 day shred nutrition program on Trainnr or connect with her @kellycarternutrition or by email